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Gemma author of the blog "Retro Chick" posted about a topic that is pretty current in the "vintage society" right now. Her article "The “Vintage” Backlash (Or Why I Won’t be Hanging Up My Petticoats)" explains that the "vintage style" has become mainstream and that some people are using it in their way to make a lot of cash. Magazines (for example) are dictating vintage as a sort of current "fashion musthave" and somehow "disturbing the Bohemianism of the suburb vintage-movement". I loved her article, because she wrote (what I think) is the essential solution to that "problem":
"Individuality is great, but if you’re allowing what other people like or don’t like to dictate your style, then you were never individual in the first place. If you like those victory rolls don’t give them up just because everyone is wearing them (...) It’s your life, your look, and you should never let anyone tell you how you should look, think, or feel."If you are furthermore interested in what I think, please keep ignoring my horrible english and read my comment on that post:
I loved this post! I really really adore… well “vintage”, as defined by the fashion between 1910-1960s (thats the frame I put “vintage” in). And usually I notice, that it bothers me when people call something “vintage” that in fact, has just a flower print or is grundge or just cheesy. I like cheesy things too or a Nirvana-Shirt (oh how I love Nirvana), but that is not “vintage” for me!
As a child I always wanted to buy clothes I could do a time travel with! I used (as I do now) to watch old movies and so I had a bit of an idea how people dressed in other decades. As a teenager I started reading books about the history of fashion and I went to a lot of fashion museums. And I am the only person in my circle of friends that is able to distinguish 30s/40s/50s in terms of “design”.
(I hope my english is comprehendible

But sadly I have just a few real vintage pieces in my wardarobe, they are hard to find here and I have no time to do pincurls everyday or so. Nevertheless as I started blogging I called my blog: “Vintage Tagebuch” (= vintage diary), because I want to record my process of changing my wardrobe into something that reflects my hobbies, my ambitions and the things I love. And no magazine or so insinuated me that.
Soon I noticed that maybe I shouldnt have used the word “vintage” for my blog title because people expect different things hearing that word.
A hipster wants a cool and stylish modern look.
An experienced “vintage” woman maybe thinks I am just another girl that has no idea what vintage is and that I am just one of the fellow-runners; due to the fact that I am not 100% vintage.
So yeah, sometimes I felt intimidated and pulled of because I thought “Oh no, other vintage bloggers hate me”. There are so many vintage people out there that fear every newcomer is a threat for their Bohemianism.
But I know, it is OK if I mix a 20s pair of shoes with a 50s circle skirt and if I buy some repro/high street stuff because I cant find real vintage or if I just go out without pincurls, because doing it differently to please others would be just silly. Some people might think thats not “vintage enough” to be called so and I accept that, but I hope my blog name does not offend them. Dont hate me

I am just beginning to find my own style and I love you for this sentence: “It’s your life, your look, and you should never let anyone tell you how you should look, think, or feel.” So… thank you. I guess this comment is veeery long now

Well let me know what you think!
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also ich finde sie gut, auch wenn ich noch einen extra concealer drüber verwende. sie erfüllt aber auch ohne den ihren zweck! das grün nimmt die rötungen etwas und das rosa macht die augen frischer:) der rest wirk wie normaler abdeckstift.
ReplyDeleteDon't apologise, I found it interesting, and Marilyn is gorgeous :)
ReplyDeleteAlso der Nagellackentferner riecht auch wie ein Nagellackentferner ;)
ReplyDeleteDen benutze ich auch schon seit Jahren - absolut weiterzuempfehlen!
hallo, schöne post! ich möchte aber darauf hinweisen, dass der begriff 'vintage' aus dem franzsöschen kommt... und quasi '20-Jahre alt' bedeutet. vintage sind somit schon sachen die von 1991 sind! echt, ist so! (mein freund weist mich grade daraufhin, dass es ich mit dem begriff 'classic' - der bei produktdesign und autos verwendet wird - genauso verhält ...)
ReplyDeletenatürlich ärgere ich mich auch, wenn ein ebay-seller 'vintage' an ein produkt schreibt, es dann aber ein orsay-kleidchen oder ein primark-top von vor 2 jahren wird ... ätzend.
der große vintage hype wird bald ein ende finden und dann werden wir eh sehen, was davon übrigbleibt. ich freue mich über jedes mädel, dass seinem style treu bleibt und mich weiterhin inspiriert ... ich shoppe auf flohmärkten und in seconhandläden seit dem ich 15 bin und werde es auch weiterhin tun ...
eigentlich sollten wir aus mode keine politik machen. sie soll spass machen und uns im notfall warm halten. jeder soll tragen was er möchte ... wenn jemand nur highstreet fashion mag ists ok ... bleibt mehr vintage und thrift/second hand klamotten für mich. ;)
schöne marylin fotos!
ReplyDeleteich hab dir einen Award verliehen;D
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